Stepping Up to Leadership

Stepping Up to Leadership: The Art of Leading for First Line Supervisors, New Supervisors and Aspiring Supervisors

In most organizations, the greatest number of performance issues, grievances and lawsuits occur under the watch of new and first-line supervisors and less-experienced managers and middle managers. Cerulean Leadership's Stepping Up to Leadership: The Art of Leading for First Line Supervisors, New Supervisors and Aspiring Supervisors provides participants with the fundamental skills needed to effectively lead, develop, motivate and retain direct reports.

Potential outcomes include:

  • Improved ability to make an effective transition from technical expert or team lead into the supervisory ranks
  • Understanding of leadership principles and basic leadership competencies
  • Strategies to deal with conflict and avoid grievances and lawsuits
  • Better ability to develop goals, manage and redirect performance
  • Strategies for selecting, hiring, onboarding, and developing employees
  • Ability to foster effective communication and collaboration skills within the team
  • Vision and strategic thinking for new and first line supervisors
  • Ability to navigate the “political frame” to avoid normally hidden organizational landmines

To find out more about Stepping Up to Leadership: The Art of Leading for First Line Supervisors, New Supervisors and Aspiring Supervisors, please contact Jeri Wilson, Director Cerulean Client Relations, at 310-413-8773 or email