Influencing and Negotiating for Sales

Mastering the Process

How valuable would it be if your sales teams could learn to:

  • Increase sales
  • Negotiate more favorable terms
  • Powerfully motivate and empower the people who work for them
  • More quickly gain buy in from others
  • Achieve better results in less time
  • Create more effective sales teams
  • Generate more new business
  • Build stronger relationships with clients and
  • Be more effective cross-generationally and cross-culturally.

Sales executives negotiate and seek to exert influence every day in a variety of contexts. Their success depends on how well they influence and negotiate both internally and with customers.

Why Is This Program Different?

Most influencing & negotiating programs are designed primarily for influencing & negotiating- on-one, in person and with individuals that come out of the same cultural background. They also tend to emphasis either a series of tactics or a single methodology intended to be used in all situations. Developed by Lee E. Miller, a professor, former senior corporate executive and practitioner trained at Harvard, and based on research for his book UP: Influence, Power and the U Perspective-- The Art of Getting What You Want (2007), this program teaches a systematic multi-pronged approach to influencing & negotiating called the 3 Cs Method which has proven to be successful in a wide variety of contexts.

The 3 Cs Method recognizes that no single approach will work in all situations, across all cultures, cross generationally and where interactions are not only face to face but also virtually by phone and e-mail. Participants will also learn how to influence without authority and through others, as well as how to influence groups.  While most programs are taught by trainers based on a standardized general curriculum, this program will be customized to meet the organizations specific needs. It will also be taught by an experienced practitioner who understands the challenges sales executives face.

This program is designed to be highly interactive. Participants will have the opportunity to observe, to participate, to ask questions, to improve their influencing & negotiating skills and to learn from real life practical examples. Participants will explore and perform small group exercises demonstrating the 3 Cs Method, allowing the attendees to practice and master various influencing & negotiating skills.

The 3 Cs Method that participants will learn includes:

  1. Convince- (Values Based Influencing & Negotiating): Using active listening and purposeful questioning techniques to understand the U Perspective of your audience and to provide influencing and negotiating tools that will enable you to enhance the perceived value of what you are proposing, in light of that understanding. These techniques draw on the psychology of persuasion, rhetoric, influencing principles and traditional negotiating tactics including anchoring, and legitimacy.
  2. Collaborate- (Interest Based Influencing & Negotiating): Working together to achieve a common goal that will satisfy everyone¹s interests through problem solving and win/ win negotiating; 
  3. Create- (Structure Based Influencing & Negotiating):  Taking a fresh look at how to structure interactions with others and creating new, more effective ways to achieve your objectives.

This program will also show participants how to recognize when conditions are right to emphasize a “collaborative” approach and when to “convince” or “create.”

This program teaches participants to think about influencing & negotiating differently and to approach their efforts in a strategic, systematic way, taking in to account the context in which that influencing & negotiating needs to take place. Participants will also learn how to effectively engage in influencing & negotiating using conference calls, e-mail, and virtual meetings which have replaced the conference room as the method used by most executives, and their key employees, to get business done.  With today’s global business world requiring ever greater cross cultural dealings often without the benefit of face to face interactions, virtual influencing & negotiating is an essential skill that will be taught in this program.


For the participants to develop practical influencing skills that they can put to work immediately including the ability to:

  • Apply a systematic approach to influencing & negotiating
  • Sell more and negotiate better terms
  • Set goals and objectives
  • Analyze different situations and develop appropriate strategies to achieve predetermined goals and objectives.
  • Build consensus within and across teams.
  • Understand the dynamics of influencing & negotiating among multiple parties.
  • Be able to influence & negotiate without individuals that don’t have ultimate authority and learn how to influence & negotiate through others.
  • Handle difficult individuals, avoid impasse and overcome deadlocks when they arise.

To find out more about our negotiating skills program and other talent management offerings, please contact Jeri Wilson, Director Cerulean Client Relations, at 310-413-8773 or email

“Being smart is knowing what to do; being wise is knowing when and how to do it.”