Comprehensive Strategies
Comprehensive Strategies: Strategic Planning Engagements for Start-Ups, Small, Medium and Large Organizations
Cerulean Leadership tailors longer-term strategic planning engagements for organizations desiring more in-depth, complex, and inclusive strategic planning support. Our strategic planning engagements are tailored to your individual and unique organizational objectives, depending on the size, scope, business cycle and other unique needs of your organization.
Potential outcomes include:
- Defining, re-defining or clarifying your organizational charter, including mission, vision, and values
- Conducting SWOT analyses and other fundamental elements of short, mid and long-term planning
- Internal and external strategic and operational assessments utilizing surveys, focus groups, town halls, etc.
- Scenario planning to evaluate different organizational possibilities and opportunities
- Development of key strategic objectives, goals, strategies and measures of success
- Development of execution work-streams, accountabilities, and required resources
- Development of strategic communications plan
- Development of marketing and operations plans
- Organizational branding efforts
- Exploration of hidden individual and collective beliefs and assumptions that are empowering or limiting your organizational momentum
To find out more about Comprehensive Strategies: Strategic Planning Engagements for Start-Ups, Small, Medium and Large Organizations, please contact Jeri Wilson, Director Cerulean Client Relations, at 310-413-8773 or email